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Shortened Tropical Storm Training

Looking for a beginner session of volleyball?  Want to keep it fun and low commitment while learning important fundamental skills for improving your volleyball abilities?  This may be the program for you.  This shortened Tropical Storm session is designed for players 7-11 who are beginning their volleyball journey.  This will be a 1 hour 2x a week session that reviews fundamentals of passing, serving, attacking, setting and footwork.  There will be a large emphasis on keeping this fast paced, fun and engaging while building the core fundamental skills to continue their growth of volleyball.

Dates and times for this session are as follows and are subject to change:

Oct 1,4,7,10,14, 17,21,24,28,29

Nov 4 and 7th  

6:00-7:00pm @ Central Baptist Church, 402 E Windhorst Rd. Brandon 

Cost $200




All about LEARNING, FUN, and COMMUNITY.  Get exposed to volleyball and work to improve your skills.  Make friends, build confidence, and strength. ​Tropical Storms is an athlete program designed for players 8-13 years of age with varying levels of experience.  This is designed to teach even the most novice of volleyball enthusiasts understanding of the sport, skill sets for each position, and team work skills through a fun, learning focused design and game settings.  There is no way a player will not grow in their skill, ability, and knowledge of the sport as a team mate of Tropical Storms. 

After 2 years of being a part of our Tropical Storms program, any player, even those just starting out in the sport, develop enough skills and playing knowledge to advance up to our Club Level Teams for travel and competition. 

Tropical Storm Teams 8-13u $800
offered for both boys and girls
1 practice a week 
1 practice shirt
1 numbered scrimmage shirt 

*black spandex and knee pads are recommended, backpacks and hoodies are available for purchase

Season: Jan-April ( The season starts in January and goes through the month of April) 
$400 down payment due following the Tropical Storms interest meeting in Jan. 
$200 due the following 15th of Feb./March 

Practices will begin Friday Jan. 19th, 6:00-7:30, Practices will continue Friday's from 6:00-7:30.  Dates and times are subject to change so please check your email and the clubwide calendar for updates

If you are interested and want to attend the parent meeting to get more information or if you are ready to sign up, please complete the Tropical Storms Registration below so that we can email you with updates about meetings and times. 


AAU Membership

Players need a current AAU membership

Our HVA club code is W378FF 

Click the AAU logo to the left and be directed to the membership page